During the Great Depression, the renowned economist, JM Keynes advised the government to increase public spending. This would counter recessionary trends, inject liquidity...

In the past decade, the Indian manufacturing and export industry has grown rapidly and taken major strides with the aim to become a manufacturing hub for products...

Uncertainty on the process and outcome await the Indian tax authorities and businesses covered under OECD pillar one & two By Mukesh Butani...

– Mukesh Butani & Pradeep Joy The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 has emerged as the most impactful legislation for enforcement actions by...

Mukesh Butani & Tarun Jain Extensive stakeholder consultation and pragmatic measures to assuage the concern of Indian lawyers are necessary before changes are...

It is premature to conclude whether the new trajectory on FTAs will mark a watershed moment in India’s trade partnership and business interests....

Mukesh Butani, Seema Kejriwal, Ajitesh Dayal Singh Introduction The Supreme Court of India recently settled a two-decade old dispute pertaining to taxability of software income....

By Mukesh Butani & Tarun Jain Whether the licence to use computer software is a transfer of copyright was the core issue before...

“Death is not the end. There remains the litigation over the estate”. The above quote by Ambrose Bierce, a noted American journalist sums...

The Budget announcements made on February 01, 2021 have wide ramifications and significantly affect many segments of the economy. This column coves changes...

By Mukesh Butani & Aparna Raman The arbitration ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in the Cairn Energy case, coming just...

Mukesh Butani, Seema Kejriwal, Ajitesh Dayal Singh (BMR Legal) Introduction India’s 2021 Finance Bill proposes to add a definition of “liable to tax” in its domestic...